Monday, October 1, 2007

I have discovered the German Yellow Pages!

Yes, I have finally found the German version of the Yellow Pages! It is die GelbeSeiten (yellow sides in German) located at:

Sadly, I have not yet found the information that I was actually looking for when I stumbled upon this wonderful site, but I am still excited over everything that GelbeSeiten does. You can search via a map (Kartensuche) or do a word search based on place (including city, postal code, city quarter, & street name) or by keywords (keyword, name, telephone number). There is also an option to browse by topic and when you browse shopping venues, it also acts as a catalog! Very useful in trying to figure out what my personal cost of living will be.


J said...

Greetings, soon to be neighbor! I've been in the Frankfurt area for more than 5 years now (I found your blog off AEiD).

We have a whole network of expat bloggers set up (see my blogroll or AEiD's) and even have a yearly meet-up (this year it's 17 & 18 Nov in Dresden).

When are you actually moving to Germany?

Melissa said...

Thank you for your comment!

As for when I am actually moving to Germany, it depends upon when exactly my visa comes through. Right now the guestimate is that I will be going in end of November or early December.

Martina said...

Hey, if J considers himself to be your (future) neighbor, then I do, too :-)

I'm looking forward to reading more, and if you have questions just post them on your blog, I'm sure somebody will comment with an answer!

Martina said...

P.S. what were you looking for when you stumbled across the Yellow Pages?

Melissa said...

I was looking for apartment listings. In the U.S. apartment complexes frequently list their addresses and telephone numbers in the yellow pages and from there you can get their website information either through a link or by running the name through Google or Yahoo.

Martina said...

You know, we don't really *have* apartment complexes here, at least not in the sense that you're thinking of. But you're probably already learned that. We have Wohungsbaugesellschaften, though, that rent their apartments. But they won't be located in a complex.

How's your apartment search coming along?

I assume you've found the obvious suspects:

Apartments are listed in the small ads of the newspapers on Saturdays, and to a lesser degree on Wednesdays.

Are you going to be living/working directly in Frankfurt? Because you'll be able to save a chunk of money if you can live outside of Frankfurt, but I guess that depends on where you'll be working and your means of transportation.

My brother lives and works in Frankfurt and gets by without a car. But back when I worked in Dreieich (outside of Frankfurt) I ended up living in Weiterstadt (outside of Darmstadt) because the rent was so outrageous.

Melissa said...

I'll be working up in the north end of Frankfurt and relying on public transportation rather than go through the hassle and expense of getting a car. Right now I am talking to a prospective landlord and we just have a few more things to finalize.

But thank you for all of you help. If my current plans fall through I will definitely be checking out Saturday and Wednesday newspapers.


Anonymous said...

Hiya. Found your blog through American in Odenwald. I am an American living in Mainz, which is just outside of Frankfurt. Welcome to the Rhein-Main Gebiet!