Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Apotheke

If you want to buy just about any medicine in Germany you must go to the Apotheke (Apothecary or Pharmacy) where nearly everything (including eye drops for dry eyes) is located behind the counter, I suppose this is so they can control what you get and decide whether or not you really need it (I know an American who got into an argument with an employee over whether or not he required the medicine he was looking for, drowsiness was one of the side effects and the employee thought he should try something else, he was having trouble sleeping and wanted the medicine to make him drowsy).

My personal experiences with Apothekes have been mercifully brief and much more cordial. My most frusterating experience with one was more of a language barrier issue. I wanted to purchase Band-Aids and the pharmacist didn't recognize the name. We eventually found what I was looking for under the (English language) name plastic adhesives.


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McKenna said...

Now that I think about it. I haven't seen bandaid's here. I hope I will not need one anytime soon... eek!