Saturday, April 26, 2008

Success in the Great Molasses Quest

Yes it took visits to at least six grocery stores (more if you count individual branches of the same chain), but perseverance paid off and I can say that I found molasses at the Reform Haus in the Frankfurt Nordwestzentrum (Northwest Center, I find that mildly amusing). The Reform Haus is a health food store (which I think does alternative medicine and bio food as well, I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention) where I was also able to find gloriously unsweetened applesauce (which I also haven't been able to find at 'normal' grocery stores). I haven't tried the applesauce yet, but even if I decide I don't like the taste it can be used for baking purposes.

Anyway, back to the molasses. I don't know what it is about molasses that gets it into a health food store, but I am grateful. My next step is to try mixing it with regular white sugar to see if I can get a usable result.

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